Wednesday, February 1, 2017

My shot process

Christine Harrelson
to me
Ashby, I apologize, I don't have a single evening available this week or next!  As you prepare for your tournaments, recite your shot process. And you must, must, must have a shot list that gives you commands that you repeat with every shot.  For me it's, feet, nock, hook, grip, draw inhale, relax hand, anchor, tension, thumb, aim, wait, arm up.  This is how a shot happens for me, but you need to come up with yours.  When the steps don't line up and something is off, I let down and completely restart the shot list.  The next time you come I would recite that list aloud as you shoot.  That list needs to become your second nature and something you tap into and rely on in competition.

Good luck and have fun! BTW, My earliest available lesson is the week of the 20th.
to Christine
Thank you. Please set me up with a lesson for the week of the 20th. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. I can get there by 5:30 pm later is also OK.
I do have a defined shot process. I use it every time I shot and each time I visualize shooting but I have not written it down. When written would you like to see it or wait until I see you?
Mine is different from yours. Thanks for sharing yours I found it interesting.
One last thing. I have also registered for the NC Indoor State Championships on Feb 11th in Advanced NC.

Sent from my iPhone

My shoot process:
  • Draw and lube arrow
  • Notch and clip in 
  • Feet
  • Raise bow and Draw
  • Peep and Aim
  • Tension to Release
  • Follow through
Draw and Lube - Remove the arrow from my quiver and lubricate the tip and front end of the arrow
Notch and Clip in - Notch arrow onto the string at the nock point then clip in my release
Feet - Check stance, feet position and make sure I am balanced evenly on both feet
Raise bow and Draw - Lower bow and left shoulder until my left arm is straight at about a 45° angle to the ground. Then raise the bow until my  bow arm is horizontal while leaving my shoulder down, then with a soft bow hand grip draw back to my anchor point
Peep and Aim - Make sure my bow is center balanced - Center my peep in my scope on the target with both eyes open
Tension to Release - Keep my eye on the target - increase the tension in my back until release
Follow through - Keep eyes on target after release, allow bow to move forward, allow my right to move back, keep my eyes one target


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