Friday, March 31, 2017

Took both the Prevail and the Dryad to the range today. I really want some more practice on the Prevail but felt that shooting the Dryad during the class would be a lot more fun and productive. I was right.

I shot at targets I made with Archer's Advantage software. I allows one to produce scaled targets. For example I created an 80 cm at it would appear at 50 yard but from the 20 yard line of my range,

I was doing well and think this will be a reasonable way for some practice but I will need to also do some real 50 yard practice on 80 cm targets.

I adjusted the control cable slider because I heard John tell someone else the having them as close as possible but with out touching the fleshings would reduce the torquing of the riser. Mine were as far out as they could be and I was able to move them in a lot. I figured this would through off my left/right sight adjustments and it did big time. I had to make a number of adjustment to the right and only just got it close when it was time for the beginners class. So I packed up the Prevail and setup the Dryad longbow.

I have a very pleasant time shooting the longbow while working on my form and instinctive shooting.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Got back to the range tonight. I missed Tuesday and Wednesday due to have a Colonoscopy. I was really good to get to shoot.

Took the Prevail, even though I can only shoot at 20 yards there I am still trying to use this time to prepare for the Gator Classic.

I did shoot the Prevail through the Chronograph and got an arrow speed for the X10s of 254 fps. I will use this with Archer's Advantage software to make new sight scale tapes for the Prevail.

I was shooting pretty well and felt good. My groups are small but not small enough. In the entire evening I only shot one 7 and that was during practice. I am still working on the things Lesley coached me on and not dropping the bow also following through. I feel like I am making progress and they are becoming more automatic but I do still make sure I am thinking about each step. I realized tonight that I have been thinking about just hitting the yellow circles and have corrected that to thinking about the X and aiming for the X. Until I did this I had not hit the X.

I shoot pretty well in league to night still did not place even with Lesley not shooting compound tonight. I shoot 175 which is my best yet but since we were not shooting center 10s may be a little higher than it seems. I need to get my group smaller.

I need to do some practicing this weekend shoot at 50 yard, either at Nuse River or Springhill Outfitters. I know I am a bit worried about either place due to the possibility of losing arrows because I have done so in the past but I am a bit better now and need to get over this.

I will take some other arrows with me because I do not know if I can trust the sight scales tapes I made.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Quewhiffle Creek Bowhunters 3D shoot

I had a bit of trouble getting going this morning, seems since I do not have to be there at a certain time I do not seem to get there early. Nice drive took about and hour and a half to get there. I had replaced my sight scale again hoping to have it be better than last week. I hooked up with Bo but unfortunately I cannot remember to names of the other two gentleman or the two boys of one of them. We sort of shoot it as two groups with the adults shooting in a rotation and the two boys shooting as a group.
I shoot pretty well for the first half not so well the second half. the only 5 I had was due to not reseting my scope after I ranged the target.
I was very fortunate that I hit the leg else that would have been a miss.  I did have a miss on 20 target I shoot under the target. I shoot under the target. I was shooting low all day and I was not sure why but I may have an idea. I was using an arrow with a slightly heaver tip than the rest of my arrows. We found it at 20 but one of the fleshing was damaged so I shoot on of my other arrows at the bonus which when right where I aimed it also I got a 12 on the bonus which helped a lot.

I shoot a 175 my best score yet and I wonder how much better I might have done without the really stupid 5 and the really annoying miss. It was nice not to finish in last place for a change.
I was a real nice place with a different setup. We registered in the store which was open for the event. It is a nice store, well stocked and setup.

Below are five photos of me shooting that Bo took of me setting up and shooting.  I could not get them to fit side by side in this blog but they are in order.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Long bow fun and the range

Took the long bow to the range. When I can afford a fun shoot instead of practice I am enjoying shooting the long bow. Watching John shoot I have learned a better anchor point for my long bow and this has made it easier to shoot and more accurate. Also I found out that I have had my nocks set wrong. they were set wrong when I got them but I did not realize they were wrong. The odd feather should be facing out not up which is correct for compound. Another major feature of have them set properly is the feathers do not cut my hand when I shoot. When I first started shooting I was getting all my arrows on the bail, now they are all on the 40 cm target, I am just shooting this bow instinctively. It has no sort of sight and I do not want to use gap or string walking, just instinctive shooting with the long bow.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Took the Prevail to the FF range tonight, looking forward to shooting the shooting the league. Real small turn out, Lesley was working or on call and John had a new shooter he was working with so there were only four adults and one youngster. But it was still fun in that I am mostly competing against myself and my previous scores.
I was shooting the X10 because I prefer them and I am beginning to get ready for the Gator Classic. Have a mentioned I am shooting that tournament. I will be my first time competing outdoors also shoot at 50 yards and the 80 cm target. I will have to starting to do more outdoor shooting at 50 yards. I can print targets that are scaled to look like a 80 cm target but at 20 yards. I am not sure if that would be useful practice but I will try it due to limits to outdoor practice availability.
Back to the league. I had spent the previous day this week and last week shooting the FatBoys since I want to shoot them as well as I shoot the X10s.
I only had to make a few sight adjustments to get the X10s hitting well. I have been working hard on the changes I have been making and I feel I am making progress. My consistency is better which has been a major problem for me. Thanks Lesley for your coaching.
I shoot my best score yet at any sort of scored event. I shoot a 171 with 3 Xs. My best before this was the 265s I shoot at the National Championship. Also I seem to have gotten over my problems I was having with Vegas 3 spots. I still only came in third but I was pleased with my score. Now to get into the 280s.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Good time at the range tonight. Took the Prevail. We had mock tournaments tonight at both sessions in prep for the virtual tournaments for US Archery next week. I will shoot them both if I am allowed but one at least. Beside the experience and fun I can earn another JOAD medal.

I continued to work on the things I list yesterday just in a format where I was having to do so with a two minute clock per three arrows. This was not hard and I found it to be fun. I had a few poor shot, one score of 4 on an arrow but everything else was red or yellow and I did shoot a number of tens. We did not start early enough to finish in the early session but I did finish in the second one with a score of 251. The 4 hurt this score a bit. At the National Championship a couple of weeks back I shot 255, 265, 265 and 265 so this is not too far off consider I am working on new parts to my shoot routine.

I did have to adjust the sight some and was still working on that in the second session.  Maybe I am a bit too conservative with my adjustments. Will have to give that some thought and maybe some experimenting.

I had a good time, looking forward to league Thursday.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

At the range with my Prevail practicing working on:
  • not dropping the bow after a shot until I have clearly heard my arrow hit the target
  • keeping my elbow back not creeping and 
  • following through
I was feeling good shooting well and felt like I was making progress. I shoot 96 arrows tonight.

Lesley who had also been shooting called over - she had seen some things I could change in order to improve my shooting. She had videoed me and showed me myself and told me the following.
  • To set my grip then preload the bow by applying a little pressure on the string to hold the bow against my hand so the my drip did not change as I raised it, draw back and shoot.
  • To level the bow by keeping my eye on the target through the scope even before the peek was in play
  • To get my back tension as I am getting into my anchor point not as a separate move after I anchor
She said there were more things we will work on but that these will be a good start. We discussed various points of each and she had me stood while she watched. After a few attempts she said I was doing better and to work on this and that she would be back.

As I continued to shoot and work on making theses changes my arrows were now all glong left and a bit high which was great because that is something I could fix by changing my sight. On all three of the Vegas target spots I was shooting around the area that would be between the 10 & 11 o'clock of a clock. I did not adjust the sight because I wanted to see if I could remain consistent and I did for a dozen arrows. As long as I was able to maintain focus and do what Lesley recommended I was shooting consistently which was fantastic. Inconsistency has been the bane of my archery progress. I know there is more I will need to work on and improve but this is progress.

At this point I started adjusting my sight, three clicks up and three clicks left. It only took two or three adjustments in elevation to get the down to the 9 o'clock level but at 38 clicks left I was just a little over half way to the 12 o'clock line and I had run out of adjustment on my sight. So I centered the left/right adjustment of the sight and moved the bar of the scope and started over. The last arrow I was able to shoot for the night was a dead center bullseye.  I hope the sight is right but since I was not able to shoot more, I will have to find out Wednesday.

I continued to work on all of the six items above and as long as I did focus and execute my arrows were consistent.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Nuse River Bowhunters 2nd shoot

Great day.

I had a sort of full day Saturday so I was a bit slow getting there but I felt like I needed the extra rest. I go there at a little after 11AM. Found a close parking spot which was nice. I got signed up and went to the range to check out how close or far off the bow would be with the scope after changing the limbs. Well 20 yards were pretty close but 30 yards was high and right and 40 yards was again higher and more off to the right. But there was nothing I could do about it at that time. I will plan on making a new sight tape with the Archers Advantage software I bought and the test it on Saturday if I am able. I really hope I can get it set this time and not have to keep reseting it.

I joined a group quickly and easily - I have been getting to know folks and it is nice. I was pretty cool and windy. I was at first thinking I could just wear a t-shirt but I was wrong. I was very glad I had my old blue sweatshirt and red wind breaker, I worn both and was glad I had them. I joined a group with Jay, his wife Windy their son-in-law Walt. Nice folks, I enjoyed shooting with them.

I shoot pretty well no where near where I would like to be but OK.  I shoot a 167 which is close to and maybe one or two points hight than I have before. There were some wind problems but mostly I just not having a reliable scope. I was having to subtract 1 to 2,5 yards on shoot over 25 yard depending on how far out the targets. Even though I had not missed I only had a few 5s it was the boat load of 8s and just a few 10s and no 12s until 18 when I was aiming the release was jerked out of my hand and I missed the target. It was quite a surprise and hurt my hand. I have thought a lot about it and this is what I think must have happened. While I was aiming my fingers on the release relaxed a tiny bit and my elbow creeped enough for the bow to come off the wall and pull on the release in my slightly relaxed hand which then cause my thumb to release the bow string. My shots at 19, 20 and 21 were fine even at that time I was still unsure what had happened. Assuming I am correct in what did happen this was mostly a focus problem and therefore is fixable. I did find my arrow and did finish the shoot with the same arrow. I think I came in last place again annoying but no where to go but up from here.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

First thing today was a work day at Nuse River Bowhunters. When I left the house it was raining, of course, but we have a shoot scheduled for Sunday and Sunday is suppose to be nice. I wondered as I drove there would I be the only one there or one of a few, not so. There were 24 of us there. I must admit I was pleased to see that many folks show up to work on a rainy Saturday morning. With that many folks we were finished very quickly. I helped hang a bow rack, just a two by four with hooks, carried a few other things places but that was about it.  I was out of there by 10:30AM. I had planned to do this other 3 D shoot but with the rain I decided to go to Springhill Outfitters. They had gotten the replacement limbs for my Podium and I wanted to get them replaced. They did and I shot some arrows everything seemed OK.

I left Springhill at about 12 noon and drove to First Flight stopping by Tandy's for some snaps and other things. Got to FF by 1PM which gave me three hours.

I had the Dryad long bow with me.

I took my time and worked on getting comfortable with the bow and back quiver. It is so so different from my other bows even the Olympic or Bare recurve. It is a 40 pound bow but feels easy to pull and it weights almost nothing. When I first started out I was happy that I was hitting everything on the bail. By the time I stopped, at about 75 arrows I was hitting everything on a 40cm target. I liked the arrows so much that I bought 6 more built just like the first 12.
I am looking forward to shooting this bow some more.

I then got the bare bow out. I had not strung this bow up yet with the string John had ordered and gotten for me. The string was from First String and seemed to fit and work well. I put a brass nock on it and shot it a few times. That was all the time I had time for, it seems to shoot well. It needs a plunger. It does not have one I was not sure it could use one but it can. I have ordered one for it, also a finger tab and arm guard. I am looking forward to shooting this bow more also.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy Saint Patrick Day

Well I left my band today, Wake and District Pipes and Drums.

Nothing to do with archery but a major event in my life.

I love playing the pipes and it was one of the goals I had set for myself as was joining the Band. However even after and tremendous amount of effort and work, a great deal of money invested in instruments and instruction and being made a member of the band I was never really a part of the band.

I wanted so much to play with the other pipers of the band, to parade with them, play with the smaller groups that would play various gigs around but apparently I am not a good enough piper.

Whenever I volunteered for gigs or small groups I would be turned down. When I would show up for events where all were suppose to be welcome I was treated like they wished I was not there. Nothing was said that I was suppose to hear but I have very good hearing. Even at events that were All Calls when I would show up I would be treaded cooly by member and coldly by NCOs.

I use to look forward to rehearsal every week and any chance to play. After a while I just got tire of the insults, and injury but no instruction. When I realized I was dreading going to rehearsal and that I had not played with the band for six month I decided I did not need that grief in my life and it was time to move on. So I contacted the PM and told him I was leaving the band, he did not ask why but I told him I just did not think there was a place for me, a piper who had worked as hard as he knew how, in the band.
Took the Olympic recurve and the Dryad long bow to the range today after work.
Only got to shoot from 20 yards for a short time before Brian who was teaching the beginners class moved all of us up to 8 yards.
Before this happened I discovered I needed 500 spine arrows for my long bow instead of the 400 spine I had, lucky I was in a Archery shop so I picked out 12 Gold Tip Traditional carbon arrow with a sort of green feather on them. Having heard what Bo had done I had points of 125 grains with 5 grain inserts and added 20 grain weight to the inserts to give me 150 grain up front. At 8 yards these shoot great, I am looking forward to shooting them at 20 yards.
At this time I got my Olympic out and worked on shooting form with the 30# limbs and the new 660 spine arrow. The arrows seemed to work well but it is hard to know at 8 yards.
I was after a little time able to reproduce the shoot routine and improve my form while producing a nice group.
A good evening.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Been a bit lazy about my blog this week. I went to First Flight, the range, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and shoot the Prevail. I did well and enjoyed shooting.
I was working on:

  1. Not dropping my bow arm after the shoot.
  2. Getting my elbow back and not creeping
  3. Pulling on my release and allowing my release hand to move back once I release.
I was shooting both Vegas and 40cm with the FatBoy arrows. I am doing better with them shooting mostly on the 9 ring with some 10, but not enough.

I plan to bring the Dryad long bow in Friday along with the Olympic.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

US National Indoor Championship

I have a good time and a good day at the US National Indoor Championship.

I saw a number for folks from First Flight Archery, It was nice not to be there all alone. Most archery's I have meet are nice and friendly but it was nice to have some folks around that I know.

I shot my Prevail and X-10 arrows at 40 cm targets.

I did pretty well 265 for the first set but 255 for the second. This gave me a total of 520 for the first day.

 I really wanted to shoot better and will do so Sunday.

On Sunday I shoot well my first set was a 265 again then a 265 on the second set. So I shoot a 530 for Sunday which gave me a 1050 for the Championship.

I did not place but I had a good time and I am pleased with the way a shoot.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

League night at First Flight

 Again back to First Flight Archery to shoot the league but also and mostly to prepare for the U.S. National Championship. I setup to new targets a Vegas and 40cm.  I like using the 40cm for sighting in my sight and for checking them. For some reason I seem to shoot them better and I have no idea why. To decide what arrow I was going to soot tonight and at an Nationals I shoot 6 FayBoys at the 40cm I then with out changing the sight shoot 6 X-10s and the photo to the right is the results of the X-10s, the larger arrow holes are from the FatBoys. So we will be shooting the X-10s tonight and at the Nationals. There is only one 10 and the rest are nines but this is better than I did with the FatBoys.

The lower target is what I shoot for the league. Pretty good but not great. Mostly 9s, two Xs, one 10 and way too many 8s, 7s, and even a couple of 6s.
I am working on my back tension, not dropping my bow and following through and I feel like I am making progress. I do not understand why if I can put 6 arrows in the yellow on a 40 cm am I having trouble consistently hitting the yellow on the Vegas or 3 Up three spot targets. I will just keep shoot both of the three spots even thought I like the 40cm better.

John told me he is 99% sure I can op to shoot a 40cm as apposed to the Vegas - I will definitely check in to this Saturday when I check in.

The bow is functioning well and there is nothing that needs to be done to it. The rest of my kit is working well and is comfortable.  I am looking forward to the trip and the drive - I had the car serviced Monday. I plan to have 6 FatBoy in my quiver along with 9 X-10s

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Adult JOAD Program

Today I joined the Adult JOAD program at First Flight Archery. I knew a little about JOAD from shoot at the range. Some of them are there Tuesday and Wednesday evening. I have shoot around them and with them almost since I started shooting there. The adult program provides coaching to the members in the group setting just like the young archers. We can earn badges but ours start out at a little higher requirement. Where the young archers have to shoot a 50 on a target of 30 arrows for their first medal the adult has to shoot a 125 on a target of 30 arrows. I do not have any problem with this it is just interesting. Both of us can only shoot for a medal once a month unless one goes to a USA Archery event like the U.S. National Indoor Championships which I am going to this weekend.
The target bellow is the one I shoot Wednesday for my first medal. It was fun doing this, seemed a little silly but it was fun. I was awarded my first medal and the gave me a purple ribbon with a hook that I could put the medal on and hang it from my quiver - which I did. Since I am shoot twice this weekend Saturday at noon and Sunday at noon I can qualify for the next two medal. I need 150 and 175 points for 30 arrows to qualify - I feel pretty sure I can do this.
The right target was the scored set I shoot with the second JOAD group, one can only shoot for one medal a day so this one was just for practice.
I am shooting well but I still hit some blues and way too many reds, I need to stay in the yellow and hit more 10s.
John told me I was not using my back correctly and therefor not getting my elbow into the correct position.  He touched my back showing me where I need to contract it more there. This is not hard to do but I had no idea I was doing it wrong. I am working on this along with not dropping the bow and using my back to activate the release. I am making progress.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

 At the range shooting the Prevail 40 preparing for the  U.S. National Indoor Championships in Harrisonburg VA this coming weekend. I have been shooting the Easton FatBoy arrows because it seems like one is suppose to shoot the larger diameter arrows in doors.  I am getting better with them but I still think I shoot the X-10 better.  I am doing better with the release, I am more comfortable with it and working with if better.
I will continue to shoot the FatBoys but I have not decided to shoot them or the X-10 at the championship.
I am also working on keeping my elbow back and not dropping my bow after the shot - I am sure doing this is why I shoot low sometimes.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Mill Creek Bowhunters 3D shoot

Mill Creek Bowhunters 3D shoot was fun and it was a nice place also we had great weather. I went to the range before starting the shoot. I set my sight to 20, 30 and 40 yard marks and shoot arrows at the hanging bag targets hitting the spots on the targets, This helped me feel that the new scale I had put on the sight after the sighting in of the sight I did Saturday was accurate. 

I then joined a man Phillip and his wife Shely who I did not know but were waiting for a group. He was shooting a fun shoot and she was shooting known 40. They usually shot the same peg. They were pretty good and we had a nice time. They were both better than I. 

I did shoot better this week four 5s, two 8s and the rest 10s. No misses. First I feel the sight was accurate this week, second I am always holding the release the say way now and both lead to me shooting better. Also I am continuing to working on keeping my elbow back and up as I hold also keeping my bow up for follow through so I do not drop it after I release. I shot 176 my personal best but still short of my goal to break 200. I had one other first today I shot the whole event with the same arrow. First shoot I have not lost of destroyed at least one arrow.

Next week I am off to the nationals which should be interesting and fun. I am looking forward to it. I will work with the Prevail Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and will be driving up after work on Friday. I shoot at noon on Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Went to Springhill to use their outside range. I wanted to see if I could find errors in the scale I put on the sight last week and I sure did find errors. According to how I shoot today I had the 20, 30, 40 & 50 yard marks all off and the amount off increased the higher the yardage went up. I have recorded the hopefully correct marks and will see if I can find a scale to match them. I shoot so poorly last week. I know part of it was the two different ways I was holding the release but this errors also added to the problem.

I also took my hunting bow the Double XL. I have been wanting to get it's sight setup for awhile now. I did get it setup but am a little displeased with how the pins endned up the 25, 30 , 35 & 40 are right up against each other. All but the 40 are corrected sighted in but the 40 is a ting bit hot. I will try to find out if there is something I can do to get them spread out and still be set to the yardages I want.

After this I went back to the Classic just to walk around a bit and see some of it I had not seen yet. I ran into Jennifer from First Flight and CCAA also Totie for CCAA. I found out one could shoot he 3D shoot more than once if one wished and went there to shoot but they had ended for the evening before I got there.

A good and busy day not I need to replace the scale tape on my sight and check it 1st, 2nd and 3rd  axis for level.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Went to the Dixie Deer Classic just for fun and because my range was closed due to the Classic also to shoot my hunting bow, my Hoyt Double XL at the indoor 3D shoot put on by the North Carolina Bow Hunters club. I think I had already joined this club but was not sure so I paid to join again and was assured if I had already joined that they would just extend it to next years membership. One other thing I went looking for was a para-cord strap for my hunting bow. I found a guy the with such a strap on display and he is making me one in green and camo which will match the bow nicely. He may have it ready Saturday when I go back or will mail it to me.

Shooting the indoor shoot was fun and very different from the outdoor shoots I have done. Of course the range was pretty small and the longest target was about 25 yards out. I did OK - I only had my 20 yard pin sighted in and that with different arrows. I hit every target got two 12s three 10s a bunch of 8s and five 5s. Like I said I did OK scored a 159, A long way from breaking 200 but I will do that this Sunday at Mill Creek.

Going to sight in my Podium again Saturday morning - It was just not right last week also hope to get the Double XL sighting in. Then I will likely go back to the Classic if I am not too tired.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Went to the range tonight took the Prevail. Normally we shoot a league tonight but they were not having it and were closing at 7 PM. The range will also be closed Friday. They were packing to go to the Dixie Deer Classic which starts at 11AM Friday and runs until Sunday afternoon. There is an indoor 3D shoot there which I will do for fun.

Saturday morning as early as I can get myself out of the house I want to go and see what I can do to improve the sighting on the Podium. I would like to take the Double XL to the Classic just for fun and because I have not gotten to shoot it much. To do this I will have to also get it sighted in Saturday morning.

I shoot a bit better this evening and plan to work with the FatBoys a little longer. I am still not as consistent as I need to be. Shot 67 arrows tonight.

I may have figured something out. The thumb release is just a week and a half old. I found that I have been gripping it two different way. This is something a coach would have likely caught when I first started using the release. I really wish I could find a coach. What I discovered is that sometimes I hold the release so the it is against the middle bone of each finger and with the ends of my fingers just laying against the side of the release. The other way I sometimes hold it is with my fingers wrapping around the release so that the tips of two or three fingers are touching my palm. I have been having inconsistent sight images and I would sometimes have to force to get a usable sight image other times my sight image was clear easy to see and shoot.  The sight image which was clear and easy to shoot was the one that worked the best but until now I could not figure out what was changing to give me the different images. I was only able to shoot two more arrows after I figured this out but I am sure this is at least one thing that has been causing my inconsistence.

My shot process: REVISED

My shot process:
  • Draw and lube arrow
  • Notch and clip in 
  • Feet
  • Raise bow and Draw
  • Peep and Aim
  • Tension to Release
  • Follow through
I am thinking that my Shot Process has changed and I need to rethink it and come up with a revised addition. The main reason it has changed it that I have changed from a Wrist Strap Release to a Thumb Release.

Well after looking at it carefully I realize that the basic steps are the same but what I do in one or more has changed. So Let look at those and see what I need to update.

Draw and Lube - Remove the arrow from my quiver and lubricate the tip and front end of the arrow
Notch and Clip in - Notch arrow onto the string at the nock point then pick release from the pouch and clip in
Feet - Check stance, feet position and make sure I am balanced evenly on both feet
Raise bow and Draw - Lower bow and left shoulder until my left arm is straight at about a 45° angle to the ground. Then raise the bow until my  bow arm is horizontal while leaving my shoulder down, then with my thumb pulled to the center of my palm and away from the thumb knob and a soft bow hand grip draw back to my anchor point
Peep and Aim - Make sure my bow is center balanced - Center my peep in my scope on the target with both eyes open - move thumb onto the thumb knob
Tension to Release - Keep my eyes on the target - increase the tension in my back until release
Follow through - Keep eyes on target after release, allow bow to move forward, keep bow arm pointed to the target, allow my right to move back, keep my eyes one target

Ok I think that has got it. :)

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Back to the Prevail tonight as I prepare for the U.S. National Indoor Championships at Harrisonburg, VA March 10 - 12 2017.  Got an email from them Saturday asking if I was coming, saying they had not gotten my form or check. I replied that I had both email and mail the forms as requested and had mailed the check - a short time later I got a reply saying they had my stuff and everything was OK. I do admin it worried me a bit after I had gone to so much effort to get everything done.
I am still trying to shoot the FatBoy arrows, I am not sure why because I continue to have a lot of trouble with them.  I am not sure it is the arrows I think it is the archer - me. By the end of the 2.5 hour session I was finally shooting mostly 9s and 10s but I really want to be better than that. I will work on it more Thursday if I am not happy with how I am shooting them I will likely go back to the X10s. Taking the bow to the shop to take a half turn out of the string to correct the peek. Will also check the sight on my new leveling jig.