Great day.
I had a sort of full day Saturday so I was a bit slow getting there but I felt like I needed the extra rest. I go there at a little after 11AM. Found a close parking spot which was nice. I got signed up and went to the range to check out how close or far off the bow would be with the scope after changing the limbs. Well 20 yards were pretty close but 30 yards was high and right and 40 yards was again higher and more off to the right. But there was nothing I could do about it at that time. I will plan on making a new sight tape with the Archers Advantage software I bought and the test it on Saturday if I am able. I really hope I can get it set this time and not have to keep reseting it.
I joined a group quickly and easily - I have been getting to know folks and it is nice. I was pretty cool and windy. I was at first thinking I could just wear a t-shirt but I was wrong. I was very glad I had my old blue sweatshirt and red wind breaker, I worn both and was glad I had them. I joined a group with Jay, his wife Windy their son-in-law Walt. Nice folks, I enjoyed shooting with them.
I shoot pretty well no where near where I would like to be but OK. I shoot a 167 which is close to and maybe one or two points hight than I have before. There were some wind problems but mostly I just not having a reliable scope. I was having to subtract 1 to 2,5 yards on shoot over 25 yard depending on how far out the targets. Even though I had not missed I only had a few 5s it was the boat load of 8s and just a few 10s and no 12s until 18 when I was aiming the release was jerked out of my hand and I missed the target. It was quite a surprise and hurt my hand. I have thought a lot about it and this is what I think must have happened. While I was aiming my fingers on the release relaxed a tiny bit and my elbow creeped enough for the bow to come off the wall and pull on the release in my slightly relaxed hand which then cause my thumb to release the bow string. My shots at 19, 20 and 21 were fine even at that time I was still unsure what had happened. Assuming I am correct in what did happen this was mostly a focus problem and therefore is fixable. I did find my arrow and did finish the shoot with the same arrow. I think I came in last place again annoying but no where to go but up from here.
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