Sunday, February 26, 2017

Fishing Creek Archery Club 3D shoot

Beautiful place, if bit hard to find but worth the trip. I had a good time but today was both good and bad.
I did not shoot well and after the shoot I went back to the range and figured out that the scale I put on my scope after trying to sighting it in yesterday was OK at 20 yards but out by 3 yard at 30 and 5 yard at 40 - I assume it just keeps getting worse the farther one goes out.  I will have to try again sighting it in or at least a different scale. I shot a 155.

I shot with two nice and friendly gentleman James and Neil.
I found shooting with the new release very easy. It likely had me shooting better than I would of,
I had a lot of dead inline shoots that were 3 to 5 inches low. Also the first time shoot without an arm guard.
I destroyed only one arrow today - I hit a deer in the leg and hit the steel bar inside the leg.
Walking to score and get our arrows on the 17th target I tripped  on a vine and face planted on the trail. I landed on my knees, elbows and hands. They all hurt a bit but seem to be OK. Unfortunately they were not my only injury. I carry a mechanical pencil on a lanyard around my neck which I use to score. This got stabbed in to my chest, not too deep and I pulled it out. But it hurts like crazy and pulling a bow after doing this hurts a lot.
Then if that was not enough when I got into my car to leave the driver side front wheel of my car had snuck into the mud which was under the straw I had parked on. A couple of the other archers helped me get it out using one of their 4-wheel drive trucks.
So I pretty eventful and frustrating day but I still had fun.

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