Tuesday at the range I took the blue Prevail. It was a JOAD coaching night and Lesley and John worked with each of us separately. We started shooting at 5 yards then backed up 5 or so yard after several ends at each spot, Lesley want use to practice 'letting down'. I know it is necessary and needed skill but it
does not seem that hard to do and I would prefer to work on it at some time when I am not using valuable range time but I joined this group and I have benefited from their coaching so I play nice and do as I am asked. To be honest letting down always fell like a failure, I know it is not and it what must be done to start over if the shoot routine goes wrong but I still do not like doing it.
When Lesley got to me she said I was doing what she had taught me last week pretty well, I told her I do it better sometimes than others. I also told her it feels more normal now and I can tell when I do not shoot correctly. She watched me a bit then asked to see how I was holding my release. I showed her, I hold it pretty much as if I was making a fist with the release held inside of the fist. She told me to hold the release mostly on the pads in the space between the the first and second joints of my fingers. Most important is that my finger at the knuckles between the back of my hand and the first bone of each finger is flat. I can do this with out much effort but it feels very strange and like my release is less secure in my hand as I draw the string. This also changes where the string is at anchor so I have had to make so windage adjustments to my sight. She also told me to let my thumb float above the trigger but not to worry about that now. I have been doing that also it did not seem to make sense to relearn my release grip for my fingers then have to go and learn where to have my thumb next.
Wednesday I worked more of the changed release grip with the floating thumb. It is getting easier and does not feel as strange, well the draw still feels strange but anchor and release feel better. I just shoot a ten end scored session today during the two JOAD sessions. I was pretty spent for work this week, moving so when I shot my 10 ends I went home. I am getting comfortable with the release grip and sometimes I shoot pretty well but as can been seen my consistency has gone for now. I am hopping I can get it back soon. above it a 259 a good bit poorer than my best of 277 which is also not very good.
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