I had a good time and managed not to blow up my bow this week. I had to adjust my sights and reposition my sight tape. I manage to tear the sight tape in half while moving it. I was able to reposition it and reassemble the two halves. I will replace it whit a new one, one made with Archers Advantage and one with a 15 yard mark this time. We had a target at 17.2 yards today which I shot ok on but would liked to have had a range scale on my sight tape.
I shot pretty well for the first five targets then I shot an eight which was not too bad but next I shot under the target and missed completely. We looked briefly but did not find the arrow so I also broke my no shooting the whole match with the same arrow streak. Then it was like the wheels fell off. The next two were low or low and left. I think the low was due to dropping then bow arm early. The next two were OK but then the next four were left and I could not figure out why - after four that were all to far left, they were all 8 to 10 inches left. I adjusted the windage 7 clicks left which turned out to be perfect. What I cannot understand what changed, I checked and the sight knobs were tight and nothing had shifted but the adjustment worked. The five on 18 was just lack of focus. I ranged it at 37 but set my sight at 34. Just poor focus. The final 5 was low and guess I dropped my bow arm again. The lower 12 in the photo is mine, one of the best 12s I have gotten. I confess I was aiming at the point between the center ring and the lower 12 ring but I will take it. My final score which was not on the score card when I photoed it is 167, better than I expected with all those fives, eights and the miss.
I shot this shoot with Full Bore arrows fletched with five inch feather fletchings. I do not feel they worked very well and may have been slowing the arrows down especially at the longer ranges. This may also account for some to the low shots I made - I will I have information about what the range of each target, I will come up with some way of recording what I range each target for so I may use it later during my evaluation. I will go back to the Full Bore with either three inch feather or three inch four fletched vanes. I have had good results with them in the past.
Friday I will spend time with the Podium, there is not a 3D shoot this coming Sunday which is Easter.
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