Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Pin night - pin nights are split this month due to the first of the month falling on Wednesday so the Tuesday pin night will be next week. I am going to ask again if I can shoot for a pin on my bare bow, likely they will refuse but I will ask. Tonight I shot my Olympic Recurve bow. There are two JOAD classes on Wednesday and I usually shoot through both of them. So there are to chances for me to pin. My first round did not go well. Some of my arrows landed well but others were nowhere near where I thought I had aimed them. I needed a 190 and shot like a 178 I think. I did not photograph the target like I normally do. My second attempt was going a little better but not well enough but just after the half John told me I needed to rotate my right shoulder back and get my right elbow back and inline with the arrow. He talked me though want he told me and my clicker went off way too early. I have been adjusting my clicker for a while trying to get it to go off so I could shoot where I was aiming. To rotate my shoulder and straighten my elbow I had to change the clicker a lot but after doing so it did seem easier to stay on target while I expanded to the clicker and then shot. As one can see my last three ends scored a bit higher than the first seven ends. Except for the first end which I have no explanation for I shot a X and two nines so close together the arrow shafts were touching. I did break 190 for the first time with my ORB and got the 3 star pin. After the session I got John to come back and go over the changes in more detail while trying to create a memory for how it felt. I am hopeful I can repeat this form and it help be be more consistent with my ORB.

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