Sunday, January 21, 2018

Quewhiffle Creek 3D Shoot

My first 3D of the season. I could have shot Nuse Rivers Ice Breaker last week but the high of 29° made me chicken out.

I had planner to arrive at noon but got away late and did not arrive until 12:50PM. Was a bit worried about finding a group to shoot with but while I was on the practice range John for First Flight Archery walked up he was also shooting and we grouped up.

The Podium felt different, I had not shot in if four months but it still felt strange. Last year when I was shooting outdoor with my Prevail and 3D with the Podium I always felt like the bows felt the same to shoot. Also I was shooting everything high using my sight tape and ranger finder. John suggested subtracting 5 yards after I shot over a target at 42 yards. I did on the next target and the arrow langed well. However on the next two targets I was hitting low. But my bow felt normal in m y hands now so I went back to using what the ranger-finder said on my tape and was again hitting the target well. With the miss and trouble with range my first half was less the great but as I setteled into the bow my scores improved. Between 12 and 13 I tripped over a little tree stump that was left in the middle of the trail when someone cut down, why they left it sticking up two inches instead of cutting it off flush is beyond me. I am a bit sore but OK and was able to finish the round. THe quick release for my front stabilizer was bent and damaged. I will have to replace it if I can fin one. John removed the quick release and we screwed the stabilizer directly into the bow. Target 13 right after the fall I was a bit shaky and my arrow released early and I shot under the target. But John found my arrow, he also found my first missed shot arrow. I did shoot over the target on the 20 yard practice range and I did not find that arrow.

I found out today the Easton has discontinued the Full Bore shafts. I will miss them I really like this shaft. The replacement which is suppose to be about the same with improvements is called something like Super X 27. I will eventually have to switch to these.

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