Good class tonight. Spoke with John about my expectations for coaching during my JOAD classes. He had no problems with what I wanted and said they would provide the coaching I want. To that end he said I mostly needed to change my release technique from what I was doing to which was holding until I felt I was on target and then triggering the release to holding on target but instead of triggering the release I should slightly fingers and hand while continuing to pull back. Doing this cause my thumb which is warped around the trigger to release with out me actually triggering the trigger. I can do this and I spent the hold evening practicing this I spent over half the class shooting at a blank bail at 10 yards with out using the sight. The idea behind this technique is to have a surprise release. I am willing to try this but I must admit I am not sold on it being accurate but I will give it an honest rty.
Wednesday night canceled due to snow and I was sick Thursday so two days in a row not shooting my bow - strange feeling.
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