Wednesday, December 28, 2016

to Christine
Thought I would give you an update from time to time about my training but will not bug you with it more than twice a week. 
It went well tonight. They had two different JOAD groups tonight so I have follow their usage of the range. It delayed me a bit but not too bad. I shot 123 arrows tonight. I did follow the shot routine we have been working on. I timed myself several times. I never had less than 20 seconds left after my last shot. One mishap. One of the knobs on my Sure-Loc sight came loose and the sight slide down from analog 20 to 60. I did not notice it and shot the wall. My arrow hit the wall and bounced off. It hit so hard it drove the arrow point into the shaft. Scratch one $20 arrow. I am replacing the sight. I will not take a chance on that again. This is a lot longer than I intended. 
Happy New Year

Christine Harrelson

12/29/16 (7 days ago)
to me
Which sure loc sight do you have?  Kookie things happen and it's hard to plan for them unless they've happened to you once unfortunately.  Glad you were able to get your arrow count up, this is good!

to Christine
Good morning - I am a little sore this morning but not too bad, I expected to be a little sore and I am please with just being a little sore.
I will be back at it this evening but with the league I may not get as many shots in but the league shooting is another thing to learn.

Looking at the Sure-Loc website I am pretty sure I have a Challenger 400. On the website they are only available in black and mine is silver but it may be an older model. I got it at Springhill Outfitters and they told me it had been ordered for someone who never picked it up.

The attached photo shows the little black knob that control the movement of the vertical adjustment.  The longer I have been shooting with this scope the more I am having to re-tighten this knob. I was sort of caught up it the goings on last night and making sure I was doing my shoot routine correctly I guess I forgot to check it.

Doing well - having fun - hope I am not bugging you too much, just I do not have anyone else to talk to about this.  Thanks

Displaying Challenger.png Displaying image1.JPG

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