Yes that is her. She was always nice to me. I have looked at the AAEs LAS has but do not see them or maybe I remember them wrong.
Used my bow press for the first time last night. I put some speed nocks on my Podium and added a serving to the bow string right above the serving in the middle of the string where the D-loop is. The string was showing wear there from being against my face when shooting so I put a bit of red serving there.
I am actually training for the LAS shoot. Christine what's me to be able to comfortably shoot 120 arrows in a day which she says is twice what I will need to shoot any day at LAS. I started Tuesday - shot 123 on Tuesday, 78 on Wednesday and 100 Friday. Tuesday I was limited because I needed to change my sight because the Sure-Loc I had kept slipping so I have replaced it with an Axcel I already had. Also they had a league shoot Thursday night. I did not win. but I had fun. I have never scored any of my shooting before. I shoot 265 out of 300 with 9 Xs also all of my arrows were in the red or better.
What have you been up to?