Sunday, June 25, 2017

Today I shoot the 3D shoot at Moore County Bowhunters. I had a very good time. I shoot with Mark, his wife Sara, Frank and his son Jason. It was a bit hot and very humid but it was not dreadful and was at times comfortable. After staring off with a 5 I shoot pretty well. I ended up getting two 5s but got rid of one with a 10 on the bonus, I shot only four 8s and three 12s to almost cancel out the 8s. What this all means is I broke my personal best outside shooting 7 down for the day. My previous best score outside was 23 down so this is real progress. I must admit I am pleased even if I did not break 200 yet. Maybe I will not be dead last in K45 this week. I shoot one upper 12 and nailed it at 14 yards. I believe the work I have been doing with making sure my peep and scope cylinders are alined and not creeping once I am at full draw also not dropping my bow arm before the arrow land are helping, something is helping. I think part of it is focus and sticking to my shoot routine no matter what is going on around me.
One interesting tid bit Mark and I shoot together for my very first 3D shoot earlier this year. He said I have come a long way. Thanks Mark.
I plan to shoot the North Carolina state championship July 1/2 Mecklenburg NC if I can figure out how to register. I have qualified
to shoot this event.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Shot the Fishing Creek 3D shoot with Leslie and John Winker of First Flight Archery. I had a good time I just hope shooting with me was not to annoying for them. They needed me or someone like me because they both belong to Tar River and you have to have someone from a different club in your group if you shoot a money class. I am a member of Nuse River but it does not really matter to me since I shoot Known 45. I did not shoot as well as I thought I would. I shoot pretty well Saturday and thought I had the "Dips" behind me but they were with me from the start. I shot a 176 two less than my best outside. I felt like I was shooting terrible but looking back at my score cards it was not that bad. I shot a number of 10 but I did shoot two 5s also I had a miss, it is the worse kind of miss. A mistake. My beard got caught in my release and while trying to get it free I triggered the release. I was not even at full draw and hit a tree. The arrow bounced off and was undamaged except for the knot. Nice to at least get the arrow back and just replace the broken knot to be able to shoot it.
When I did my shot routine correctly including aligning my peep and scope, not creeping and not dropping my bow arm early I made good shots hitting where I was aiming.
It was a nice course and I enjoyed shooting it. We started from what had been the back end before and shoot it the other way, I liked this way better. It was a bit wet but not too muddy but there were lots of mosquitoes. I even put on repellent which I do not like to use. I did well getting around the course, I was a little worried about wearing out after Saturday but I did well.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

 Today I shoot the NCFAA Field shoot and Durham County Wildlife Center. We had major rain last night and a bit of rain during the shoot but nothing major, however this did make it a bit wet there. The humidity was very high and with the temp I suffered some due to those condition. I only shoot the first half of the shoot, 14 targets.
I made sure I sighted in my bow for 20 yards and set my sight yardage indicator carefully before the event. I only had time to shoot at the 20 yard target but it at least was perfect. The new tape seems to be very accurate which made shoot the field shoot much more fun. Every target range I set on the scope allowed me to hit the target face on my first arrow usually inside to pro line and I had a number of 5s and a few Xs. This was a big improvement from the last time I shot at DCWC.
Due to my problems with what I have be calling the Dips I have asked everyone at the range who might know what I might be doing. Leslie videoed me and showed me I was creeping, she said I was moving my elbow from its full back position at full draw to a more forward position. From viewing the video I could also see that my should was moving. This helped me a lot. John told me if I was not keeping my peep sight and scope housing centered that that would cause me to shoot lower than where I thought I was aiming. I was not sure I was doing this but also was not sure I had not since it was very easy to do. John also thinks the 2" feathers on my Full Bore arrows are too small but I think they are good and I like them. Shooting at the range this week paying attention to both of these potential problems my accuracy improved at the range and before the indoor 3d shoot I shoot 3 Xs on a Vegas 3 spot.  I also shot a 208 at the 3D with eight 12s, a record for me.
At the NCFAA I got to shoot with Leslie, Sasha(sp) and Will all from First Flight. I have shot with archers from the range before but this was still fun and special.
I felt I shoot pretty well almost every target I had at least one or more 5s and very few 3s also no misses. I shot 8 Xs.
I really wish I would have had the stamina to shoot the second 14 and I did feel a lot better after lunch but Leslie and Sasha left, Leslie needed to go to the range and Sasha was riding with her. I think Will would have shot the second 14 but I am pretty new and this was his first shoot so I am not sure if we could have managed on our own.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

I had a real good time at Quewhiffle Creek Bow Hunters 3D shoot. I got there about 10 after 8AM and was shooting by 8:30 or so. Getting there early let me beat some of the heat, it was pretty comfortable that early but did get hot before we finished. My Frog Tog did seem to help and I was wearing a white tech shirt. I got in a group with James Cox his wife Rachel, their son who name I have lost and a friend who's name I think was Dudley. While I shot I ran the Outdoor walk training program on my Apple Watch and the two photos above are screen shot of the data they collected. I was just interested to see what they would get. For instance it always seems to me like I have walked a lot more than 2 miles and I did not realize it took 5 hours to do the shoot. The other photo show the actual path I walk during the shoot.
I started off very well with a 12 then a 10. I had been to Nuse River Saturday to test the sight tape. At First Flight I had carefully ranged the bow for 20 yards and set the range indicator to 20 yard on the sight. At Nuse River I set the bow for 20 yards and nailed the center of the 20 yard target, then I set the sight to 30 yards and switched to the 30 yard target also nail it in the center. I did the same for the 40 and 50 yard bails at Nuse River. This made me feel very good about my tape. Then the wheels came off, 5s and 8s missing low or right or both from where I was aiming. It was me something I was doing or not doing correctly because from time to time I would still hot right where I was aiming hence the sprinkling of 10s on 17 I missed so low I went under the target and missed the target completely. This really annoyed me but I was pleased that I was able to put it behind me and shoot a 10 then two 12s and a 12 on the bonus. The photos below are two of my 12s. 
I really did not know what I was doing to cause on of the low shots but I started calling it the "Dips" and will spend as much time as necessary this coming week finding out what could cause the Dips and what I need to do to correct them. I know I can correct them because I do not alway do it.
Quewhiffle is a good shoot and this time we started differently than the first two times I have shoot there. I liked the this start better but I have no reason why I just liked it better, the end was the same as before.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

ASA TRU Ball / Axcel Pro/Am Tour 2017, London KY Saturday

Today I shot at 7:30 am. It was nice and cool this morning. I shot range E starting at target 17. No problem today there were 5 of us in our group, all nice guys and much better archers than I. I am still having trouble with my sight tape. I set it at 35 yards before I returned to the hotel last night. I got the bow shooting at 35 yards then moved the sight line to 35 yards. This helped everything from 32 to 37 yards worked well but for around 20 yards I had to subtract 2 yards at 40 yards I had to add 1.5 yards. This is most annoying. I really want a tape that is correct at 20, 30,40 and 50 yards without having to guess how much to add or subtract.
This is different than all other 3Ds I have shot, not bad but different.
I shot 166 which is better than yesterday but way below my best of 175.
There is a robin-hood below not mine. There is also my only 12

Friday, June 2, 2017

ASA TRU Ball / Axcel Pro/Am Tour 2017, London KY

Today I shot the ASA TRU Ball / Axcel Pro/Am Tour 2017 in London KY. This was my first ASA tournament. It was a little daunting. Much bigger than I expected and more vendors than were even at Lancaster. I signed up for everything not know what some of them were.
The team shoot was 10 targets on courses just for the team shoot. there were six of us with one pro archer. His name was Joshua. I did not know him but he was a nice young man. I did not shot well but do not know what my score was.
I was scheduled to shoot on Saturday at 7:30 am at E 17 and at 3:30 pm at F 17 but was given the option  of shooting the 3:30 pm Friday which I did even though I was some what tired from the team shoot I felt it would still be better than shooting twice in one day. This was a good decision but I did not shoot well I was trying hard but kept shooting low. I felt like it was making good shoot but they were low. I really believe the tape is still bad but I do not see how.