Went to Burlington NC to shoot the US Archery Outdoor NC State Championship. It was located at Buttermilk Creek, 860 Fleming Graham Rd, Burlington,NC 27217 which was almost a 2 hour drive. It turned out to be a small event but well run and fun. It was blood hot but the event organizers did have some shade and provided everyone with all the water they need free which I thought was a class act. I shot my blue Prevail which perform well. I was shooting my Stan PrefeX thumb release, I have gotten the Stan PrefeX R their resistance release which I have been working with but it is not ready for competition yet. I shot fair no where near as well as I had hopped but both set of 36 arrows were better than I had shot before. One mistake I shot the wrong bail hitting the right target on the wrong bail so I got a zero or miss for that arrow. It was an 8 on the other bail. I guess that would be a focus error.
Most of my shots were 7s, 8s and 9s with a few 10s I did have some 6s and a 5 which are better than a miss. My previous best on this target at this range was 244 so the 294 was a considerable improvement. Still it is a long was from the possible 360 but it gives me something to work on. My second set I scored 287 if I would have gotten the 8 that I shot on the wrong bail it would have been 295 one better than my first set. Well if wishes were horses beggars would ride.
I did however take second place in the Masters Division which was pretty cool. So I am now the indoor and outdoor second place holder for the Masters division.
When I got into my car to drive home in the parking lot my car reported the outside temperature to be 100°.
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