I have gone back to one JOAD membership so I am only allowed to shoot for pins one night each month at First Flight archery. Tonight I shot my Olympic Recurve. Over the last three months I have done a lot of work on this bow to make sure it is correctly setup and tuned. I have also replaced her arrows with X10s with tungsten points from Tophat.

I have also been getting some coaching on shooting this bow which has resulted in my completely changing my shot routine. Originally John and Brian also a little for Leslie they had been working with me to produce the classic NTS shot routine but I found it very difficult and a bit painful to do. I was just not able to get my arm to pull the bow back low under my chin and then to move up under my chin, I was also having trouble with the bow string hitting my chest while doing this. Leslie suggested I watch Brady Ellison shoot on Youtube so I could see how he moves his shoulder forward to get his chest out of the way. Well that turned out to be a revelation for me. Not only does Brady move his shoulder to get more room for the bow string he has a completely different shot routine than the NTS standard. Brady draws the bowstring back high to his face at about ear height the once he has his hand even with his cheek he then lowers his hand to the under the chin/jawbone position which is typical of NTS. He does this without moving his head. He then releases and follows through just like an NTS archers. What is so great for me about this is I can do it just like Brady or at least what I am doing seems to me to be just like Brady and I have no pain or problems. I have been practicing this ways for several practice session before pin night and was shooting a bit better. Sometimes I would shoot real tight groups but other times I would surround the gold in the red rings and also there were some wild arrows. I am assuming I am just not consistanting doing the routine I think I am doing and need more practice.
Tonight I shot at 193, I need 230 for my next pin so that is not even close but it is an improvement on how I was shooting trying to adopt the classic NTS routine. I will do some video of what I am doing but I am pretty sure most of my erratic shots a due to poor release of the bow string.
The photo was my practice on Monday before pint night, sorry not picture from pin night.