Friday, January 18, 2019

My target from the league shoot Thursday evening. This is just from the shoot. I changed targets after practice before the league shoot. This is Lancaster scoring so 330 possible and I shot a 307. Good but not great and it is a PB for Lancaster scoring. I have been trying to work on moving my shoulder back instead of moving my hand to my face for anchor but I am not sure I am doing it correctly. I need to shoot a video.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Last nights target. I have been hanging my targets at different rotations to cause me to shoot different patterns. This is 27s back at 20 yards. Far to many X misses but a fair number of hits. I had trouble focusing and thought about stopping early but I wanted to shoot so I worked on holding and focusing on center with a correct follow through knowing I am having trouble with my general focus. I am not sure if this was bad but it was what I did.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Good practice last night. Arrows outside of the ten ring were all from sighting in. This is from ten yards with a 120 second clock. The JOAD class was shooting with the clock so I did also. They also were told to let down at three different times and wait for 15 seconds on the clock to shoot. I did this also. I was working on holding on and focusing on center and when the release goes off to follow through.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

This is a target from a drill I have been working on at ten yards. For this drill I have been working on holding and focusing on center and not having any movement when my release goes off except follow through. I feel like this is helping me. There were 33 arrows shot into this target.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Thanks for commenting on the videos from the workshop. I am working on your observation. This target is from my first end at the FITA of PA tournament at Lancaster Sunday. I was shooting well and shot a 286 and earned my JOAD Sliver Olympic pin. I am pretty pleased with this both my score a PB for inter-ten and the pin. My second end was fair shooting a 279 which gave me a 565 and the gold. I will try to be better at posting my progress. Sounds like winter camp was fun.

This target is from a tournament at Boneyard Archery the weekend before the one at Lancaster. I shot a 280 for this end but the big deal for my was that in ends 5 and 6 I shot six Xs in a row earning my Six Gold JOAD pin. 
In the other end I shot Image result for JOAD Six Gold pina 278. I feel like I am so close but just not there.